More About Jeffrey McAdams

I am Jeffrey Chisholm McAdams, founder of McAdams Law in New York City. I began practicing law in 1988 and have focused a large part of my legal career on protecting renters’ rights ever since. During nearly 30 years of practice, I have come to understand something very important: When people rent an apartment, they aren’t just paying money to live in square footage — they are making a home for themselves and for their families.
An Active, Powerful Voice To Protect Your Rights
I have also learned that people need an active, powerful voice when standing up to fight illegal actions when threatened by powerful landlords. I am proud of my record of success in complex disputes involving possible evictions, unsafe living conditions, unjustified refusals to renew a lease and illegal overcharges. Success doesn’t happen by letting the landlord dictate terms of the discussion; it takes experience and knowledge to put together a winning strategy that places the law squarely on my clients’ side.
From the moment we meet to discuss your situation, I hope you will find me a different kind of attorney. I am ready to listen first, because your story lies at the heart of any resolution we work toward. I am knowledgeable, but will never talk down to you. I will explain the law clearly and help you understand your legal rights and what I can do to help.
I invite you to learn more about my experience and professional credentials at my attorney profile page link below:
We Pride Ourselves On Excellent Client Service · Contact The Office
Contact my office on Broadway at 212-406-5145 or send the convenient email contact form with a brief explanation of the problem you are having with your landlord.
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